AusMumpreneur Awards 2023
We are so excited and honoured to have won the 2023 National Ausmumpreneur Award for Hair Business of the Year! We also came second for Product Design and also second in the People's Choice for Leadership. I wanted to acknowledge the Ausmumprenuer team for such an amazing experience as well as congratulate all the other national winners. Also thank YOU for supporting us as customers and also voting.
Over 2000 entries this year which means women in business are rockin' it! Congratulations to all that applied and the finalists & winners for 2023!

Disinfluencer The Podcast
Jen Harwood has a knack of falling into peoples orbits at just the right time. She met Simone Eyles from through her coaching business and Happy Hair Brush has now joined forces and collaborated with them to support what they are doing in the disability space. Recently Jen was a guest on Simone's podcast talking all things business, coaching and Happy Hair Brush.
A great listen on Spotify now!
Take 5 Magazine
Our Brush with Fortune! In the May 2023 issue of Take 5, Jen hopes her story inspires other women who might find themselves in a dark place. She is living proof that you can!
Mumbition The Podcast
April 2023, Jen shares her story on Mums & Co Podcast ~ Mumbition. The incredible story of how Jen left an abusive relationship with her young daughter and transformed her life from being $80k in debt to creating the Happy Hair Brush business with over $2 million in turnover and generously giving back to the community, in just a few years. Read the full article. Interviewers - Carrie Kwan and Lucy Kippist from Mums & Co.
Who Magazine
Happy Hair Brush made the Beauty pages of Who Magazine Australia in April this year - showcasing our gorgeous rose gold Mother Brush! Check out page 58 of the April 3, 2023 Issue.